martes, 29 de noviembre de 2011

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

Housing: Where do you live?

Where do you live?
I live in a house

Where is it?
I live in a house in La Victoria

What's the neighborhood where you live is like?
The neighborhood where i live is nousy but safe.

How many rooms are there in your home?
In my house there two rooms

viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Home Sweet Home

I live in a house. I live in nice neigthborhood. in my house, here are two rooms with kitchen, living room, two bathrooms, dining room, two bedrooms and a laundry room

KITCHEN: Stove, refigerator, chairs
DINING ROOM: table, chairs
LIVING ROOM: sofa, coffee table, lamps, rug
BEDROOM 1: television, bed, rug, lamps, picture
BEDROOM 2: Beds, rug, lamps, tables, dresser


In de middle of the room, there is a large rug, there is a dresser between the bed right and the bed left, there is a computer on the desk, there is a lamp are nex to the computer, there are chairs under the desk.

Daily Routine

At 5:10 am starting my day. I workout at 5:40 am then took a shower at 6:00 am after breakfast at 6:20 am. I'm going to clack at 6:40 am. after I get home at 11:30 am Lueder lunch at 12:30 am. after work at 2:00 pm after I get home at 10:00 pm. then review what I have pending for the day and the next day at 10:40. then took a shower and go to bed at 11:20.

Register for Second Life

Hi, i'm fine! Waiting for Pionia Destiny, my name is Babic in second life.

martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

What do you do on the weekends?

On This wekend, i'm relax, Friday'evening i'm play soccer with my friends, night igo a disco

On saturday I speep lete, at afternoon i'm go too my gitar dass and. On nigth i'm go to Egueisa's PartyOn sunday, I spleep late, I awake oon the noon, in we aftornoon i study lessas and on night i wath tu.

lunes, 26 de septiembre de 2011

Special day

Wat’s your name?
What’s your favorite monthe of the year and why?
What’s your favorite week of the week ? why?
Whats is you favorite day of the year?
What do you eat o drink on that day?
What do you do or where do you go ?
When´s your birthday?
When werw you born?

Hello! My name is Jose Babilonia. My favorite month of the year is November, because my birthday is in this month and I love the chinita's fair. My favorite day of the week is Saturday, because it’s the weekend and I can sleep late and go out with my friends or my family. My favorite day of the year is December 31th. I eat the dinner that my father and my grandmother prepared and a little of cake, and I also drink some whiskey or wine. I meet with my family and some friends in my grandmother’s house to celebrate the New Year.
My birthday is on September 26.. I was born in 1992. I’m 18years old and this year I’m going to be 19.


I have a busy week. On Monday, I go to the gym at 4:00 pm. In the evening I study math at 7:00 pm. On Tuesday morning, I have English class at 7:00 am. In the afternoon I play soccer with my friends at 3:00 pm. And I go to the gym at 6:30 pm in the evening. On Wednesday noon, I lunch with my family at 12:00 pm. In the evening I do my homework at 7:00 pm. On Thursday morning, I have math class at 9:00 am. I study math at 8:00 pm. On Friday morning, I have a math test at 7:00 am. In the afternoon I work out in the gym at 3:00 pm. In the evening I go out with my friends, we go to the movies. On Saturday I practice ninjitsu at 10:00 am in the morning. Ninjitsu is a martial art. I go to the party at night. On Sunday morning, I go to the church with my family at 10:30 am. In the afternoon I spend time with my family at 1:00 pm.

sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2011

Welcome to my blog

Hi people This is my firts blog for my English class level two on the class to Sep-Dic-2011. This is created for the publication my English class homework, i will use it to practice writing, listening, speaking and reading.

My name is Jose Miguel Babilonia, but my friends call me Babs. I'm 18 years old, on september 26th I will be 19 years old. I'm from Maracaibo, city on Zulia State and I live with my mom, I'm a only child. I'm studying at the University Rafael Belloso Chacin, URBE. The laws is my passion and my future. My favorite subjects are Criminal Law and Civil Law too, This is my 3th trimester and I'm taking five classes.

I love my career, and read about this, but in my spare time I like to play soccer with my friends and also operates the Internet site, I like to share with my family, my friends like to talk about music . I also love reading about the law in the world, watch TV, especially channels like ESPN and Meridiano, to eat food from other places and national music, especially regional music, I love my family, my mom and grandmother are my life and my dog ​​"Arnold."

My dream is to travel with my mother to Hamburg, Germany. I graduated from law and be the best lawyer and after being Supreme Court judge, this is the highest court in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and is the head of the judiciary. My most important dream is to be no more violence or crime beyond anywhere in the world.

As a final message: I invite you to read a little, people have lost ... Learn about the duties and rights we all have, so no one can hurt you.